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Root Canal Therapy

A root canal is a dental procedure involving the removal of the soft center of the tooth, the pulp when it becomes inflamed or infected therefore painful. The pulp is made up of nerves, connective tissue, and blood vessels that help the tooth grow. The most common symptoms of damaged pulp include throbbing pain in your tooth, and swelling. We will examine the painful tooth and take X-rays to confirm the diagnosis. Removing injured or infected pulp is the best way to preserve the structure of the tooth and stop the pain.

In some situations, pending on the complexity of the case we may refer to a root canal specialist – an endodontist.

When is a root canal needed?

  • deep tooth decay

  • multiple dental procedures on the same tooth

  • a chip or crack in the tooth

  • an injury to the tooth (you might injure a tooth if you get hit in the mouth; the pulp can still be damaged even if the tooth is not fractured or chipped).

The Procedure

In the majority of cases, the general dentist or endodontist will perform a root canal while you’re under local anesthesia.

We will place a small amount of numbing medication on your gum near the affected tooth. Once it has taken effect, a local anesthetic will be injected into your gums. You may feel a sharp pinch or a burning sensation, but this will pass quickly. You’ll remain awake during the procedure, but the anesthetic will keep you from feeling any pain.

When your tooth is numb, we will make a small opening in the top or back of the tooth. Once the infected or damaged pulp is exposed, we will remove it using special tools called files.

Once the pulp has been removed, we may coat the area with a topical antibiotic to ensure that the infection is gone and to prevent reinfection. This step, if necessary will add one more visit because the topical antibiotic must be left for 2-3 weeks to be efficient.  Once the canals are cleaned and disinfected, we will fill and seal the tooth with a sealer paste and rubber-like material called gutta-percha. We also may prescribe you oral antibiotics.

We will end the procedure by filling the access cavity with temporary material. This temporary restoration helps prevent the canals from being damaged by saliva.

After Root Canal Treatment

Your tooth and gums might feel sore when the numbing medication wears off. Your gums may also swell.  You will have you treat these symptoms with over-the-counter pain medications such as acetaminophen (Tylenol) or ibuprofen (Advil). Call us if the pain becomes extreme or lasts for more than a few days. You should be able to resume your normal routine the day after the procedure. Avoid chewing with the damaged tooth until it’s permanently filled or a crown is placed over the top.